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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

JM100k Jovian~

salam allz!! skrg ni bersiaran seminggu sekali yerr! mood menulis xdak xmari atau yg sebenarnya malaz?? oh tidakk. tapi alhamdulillah walau blog tak berupdate, pengunjung still ramai ;)) maybe entry2 lama menjadi rujukan tak?ct tgk popular post kebykkan entry tentang fashion xkira dress atau tudung etc, ada jgk ttg produk bisnes...sabun ketii marine essence adalah sgt2 popular skrg nih!!

ramai singgah blog ct sbb nk tgk jovian jgk tak? ehh jovian dress?? hihi

owh sape yg pegi jm100k haritu? mulanya buat weekdays kan? then ramai yg suro buat weekend sotthats y jovian buat hari sabtu. ct salah sorang yg menyesakkan diri haritu! tapi xdela pegi pagi2 buta tggu butik buka...xlah se excited mcm dulu2. sbbnye... jovian kasi 50% less kat baju2 yg lepas punya bkn new. saje la gi tgk2 sambil grab baju yg kwn pesan. malangnya ct punya size xbyk yg tinggal, sebbaik jgk la kan. malaz nk beli berhelai2...sepasang dah cukup. sbbnye yg  lepas2 punya pun ada lagi 2 psg xpakai ;P

makanya ct grab sepasang jer iaitu jachynta! dan sehelai shawl. jadiklah...50% tu sape sanggup tinggalkan butik dgn tgn kosong kan? dan utk my fren 2 psg.

ptg tu dah xramai org, nak membayau pun Q xpanjang. kebetulan jovian ada kat situ, so dapatlah bergmbr sama. wink2!!

inilah jachynta uolz. can imagine or not?? rasanya ni koleksi LS for jovian...yg lisa punya k

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Salam Aidiladha!

hai semua! dah seminggu dah pun..........raya korban xdela meriah mana, pada yg buat korban di rmh mungkin meriah. kite-kite ni just beraya di rmh jer, lepastu adela sanak sedara jemput dtg majlis aqiqah.

im sure ramai yg xbalik kg kan? setakat cuti sehari then sekolah pun xcuti pnjg. kat ofis ni rasanya haku sorang jer cuti seminggu! hiks jeles depa tau

then sinonim sgt la mkn byk daging, mcm2 jenis masakan mak buat. yg meletop sekali adalah daging rebus cicah air asam! pergggggh semangkuk habis utkku shj. org kate, bila byk makan daging, kite akan cepat marah. tapiiiii alhamdulillah mood ok. ade org tu xmakan daging pun, dia punya hangin satu bdn! haha bwk2 bersabar yeeee org yg suka marah2 tu senang dpt serangan jantung, sakit sendi dan muka berkedut. lol just kidding. chill sudahh

pssssstt dress ni yg thn lepas punya tau. adala buat baju raya tapi nk jgk pakai dress nih. makanya baju raya kasi pospone to next event. dress ni sebbaik boleh pakai lagi.........sebabnye berat dah naik almost 3kg!! xtau la haku katmane nye yg naik, ku tgk sama jer! lol

sebbaik sentiasa pakai korset premium beautiful so shape xlari jauh sgt. setakat lari2 anak jer. so still confident pakai dress nie ;)) korang2 yg berminat nk pakai korset PB jgn malu segan tau wasap siti! ada diskaun ok!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bawal Aidijuma

yeayyyyy pakai tudung bawal blk! dedulu ckp xnak pakai bawal dah, dah bungkus masuk kotak besau...alih2 berkenan xdela kondem bawal ke ape, cuma zaman skrg kalau boleh nk pakai tdg express jer yg xperlu beriron bagai!

eh tudung bawal pun xpayah susah beriron kalau tahu tekniknya, just iron 1x shj okes. tapi if dah basuh terpaksala iron lagi...

kenal bawal aidijuma sebenarnya dah lama tapi masa tu belum terbukak hati nk pakai dan beli. masa tu just ada corak colourful. xberkenan sgt...tapi bebaru ni, (xde la baru sgt ) kuar bermcm corak lagi. belang, polkadot, batik, songket etc. eh songket baru jer kuar...weken lps, sooooooo baru2 ni baru terbukak hati nk beli aidijuma. lagipun iols mmg berkenan sgt corak stripe! bukan stripe semata2 tapi combination la...bolehla consider xla nmpk serabut sgt compared to bunga2 penuh...

malangnya dah xbyk yg tinggal! so beli 2 lai jer. takdela meroyan sgt nk beli byk3 ke kan, sekadar boleh pakai tukar2 ikut mood jer. skrg ni mood kelaut bercelaru xsuka sgt bergantung dgn 1 jns tudung. ada hari nak pakai cotton shawl, ada hari nak arzu, pastu nak bawal then satin shawl. heh mcm2 lahhh. cuma ke ofis still pakai fareeda ;))

ok tak?? ada org ckp nmpk kebudakan remaja sgt...bolehla beli lagi kalau mcm tu!! haha

feeling forever21!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Premium Beautiful Corset?!

WHY Premium Beautiful??

Premium Beautiful is the No. 1 health corset in Malaysia and probably the only one in the world.

 It uses and is embedded with FIR technology mainly for improving blood circulation.

 It has helped thousands of Malaysian women rediscover their beauty and confidence!

  • Unique 3-piece dimensional cup design to push up, support and firm up breasts.
  • Steel wire provides firmness and support effectively.
  • Frontal and central bi-layer compression and tightness design helps to flatten stomach and elevate breasts.
  • Sculpts, reshapes and supports body contour by soft double helix wire.
  • Bi-layer compression and tightness design that reshapes the back to an attractive contour.
  • Delicate “U” shaped design to sculpt a sleek back line.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product.
  • Slimming with 3 pairs of hook-and-eye.

  • Supports waist and spine with 7 alloy steel to correct postures.
  • Pushes fat from waist to breasts and hips by unique ergonomic design to achieve waving contour.
  • Reshapes waist line with imported waistband from Japan.
  • Stretchable design helps to achieve expanding effect.
  • Slimming with 3 pairs of hook-and-eye.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product. 
  • 32-piece dimensional design reshapes fat by sectional compression.
  • Unique buttock-cup design to lift and firm sagging buttocks effectively.
  • Reshapes thighs and buttocks to a contour line by pushing fat to the buttock-cup.
  • Cotton waistband shapes and slims waistline.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product.
  • Fixed waist panel flattens stomach.
  • Bi-layer compression design sculpts the inner and outer thighs for sleek effect.
  • Bi-layer mixed cotton mesh material at intimate part for comfort and no heat-trapping.
  • Stretchable lace to prevent roll-up and unnatural thigh line.

FREE consultation n Fitting!!
Siti ~ 0196677485